Sattracx Mobile Locator for Windows Mobile

Started by alfsbob, Dec 10, 2011, 08:17 PM


File Name: Sattracx Mobile Locator for Windows Mobile
File Submitted: December 10, 2011, 08:17pm

The SatTracx Mobile Locator application helps locate your loved ones, your field force, your assets and will be able to give you your coordinates if you are ever lost! You can ensure that you can only be located by people that you approve.

Once the application is downloaded on the phone, person to be located should sign EULA (End User License Agreement) and register. Upon which a password is sent to your phone. This password should be shared with people who you want to locate you.

To know the location of the person, you can call to the center and a live agent will give the location coordinates of the person / mobile device within a radius of 1 kilometer, 5 to 10 meters if the mobile device is GPS enabled.

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