
Started by alfsbob, Jan 22, 2012, 07:00 PM


File Name: XmlPad
File Submitted: Jan 22, 2012, 07:00 PM

XMLPad is based on the unique custom-developed XML parser engine designed in accordance with the published W3C standards by WMHelp.com. XMLPad will provide a comprehensive visual XML development environment. The tool set includes components for building DTDs and XML.

XMLPad has a simple yet powerful intuitive workspace. The toolbar and menu which are placed on top of the design area at program start can be easily managed to display or hide quick-access buttons.

The Property Editor and Document Outliner can be easily hided by moving the panel divider to the left side of workspace. By switching Design View buttons in the bottom of the Designer Area you may simply switch the current view.


  • XML Schema full support.
  • New and improved look & feel.
  • Project system with CVS support.
  • XML Schema editor with color syntax highlighting, line numbers, element range navigation, and context-dependent source assistant wizard.
  • Preview and printing XML Schema in graphical diagram window. The diagram is synchronized with XML Schema editor.

Click here to download this file
