Hard Hat 3 Platformer Game

Started by alfsbob, Feb 13, 2012, 10:31 PM


File Name: Hard Hat 3 Platformer Game
File Submitted: Feb 13, 2012, 10:31 PM

A cute platformer in the style of Megaman, with many powerups.

Story: It has been about a year after Hard Hat destroyed Doctor X and life was going great. Doctor Wily was happily ruling the world and Hard Hat was his best go to robot. Then one day, Hard Hat decides to take a look at what Doctor Wily was doing because he had been awfully quite for months.

What Hard Hat saw he did not appreciate. He saw Doctor Wily creating 8 new robot masters. Displeased, Hard Hat decides he is not going to be replaced again, so he sets off to destroy Doctor Wily's newest creations.


  • Gamepad or keyboard
  • In menu: arrows + space (Esc = exit)
  • in game:
  • Arrows = move, duck, climb
  • space = skip messages, help
  • A = jump
  • S = shoot
  • D = special attack
  • Esc = save game (while not playing: back to title or exit game)
  • F4 = Full screen / windowed

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