ChatVibes Video Calls for Facebook Chat

Started by alfsbob, Jan 25, 2012, 10:37 PM


File Name: ChatVibes Video Calls for Facebook Chat
File Submitted: Jan 25, 2012, 10:37 PM

ChatVibes is the first free and easy to use browser plugin that adds Voice & Video directly to your Facebook Chat without the need to install another application or surf away from Facebook. Works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome.

To use this video chat with one of your friends , they should install the same application to be able to chat with you.

Once you download and install ChatVibes simply start chatting with any of your friends on Facebook Chat. Then click the ChatVibes video camera icon that appears on your Facebook Chat box (top right). If your friend already has ChatVibes installed then a video call will be established.

Click here to download this file