Flirt Classily,without being stupid (For Girls)

Started by sofamous70, Oct 09, 2011, 11:59 AM


Ever seen the girl with a whole bunch of guys that would die to go out with her because she seems so relaxed and nice? Have you ever seen the girl who every guy liked just because of her attitude and that she was being herself? Do you want to be like her?

1. Laugh at little things, but not "HAHA" super psycho laugh. Just a sweet kind laugh but not at things that are serious like "My mother died a week ago"; things that are meant to be small jokes.

2. Make an effort to look good every time.

3. Bite your lips, lick your lips.

4. Be cute, say intelligent things not overly smart just little things that sound smart.

5. Stay positive don't use words like "i hate", "don't like" be more happy "i love", "that's great".




well you are right...but what about if a girl a used all the above methods and the guys seems not to observe her..then option 3 now becomes relevant..:)
