TinyWall Firewall

Started by alfsbob, Feb 17, 2012, 07:17 PM


File Name: TinyWall Firewall
File Submitted: Feb 17, 2012, 07:17 PM

TinyWall is a compact free tool which works with the Windows Vista and 7 firewall to enhance its security. TinyWall includes a combination of features that sets it apart from both commercial and freeware firewalls.

Once installed, the program will automatically block outgoing connections by all but a few recognised installed programs, for instance (IE, Firefox and so on). And unusually, if you launch an internet-facing application which isn't on the approved list then there's no pop-up alert; the connection is just blocked.

TinyWall gives Windows Firewall a sane and secure configuration and presents you with a simple interface where you can easily define what has network access and what not, while preventing other programs from modifing or overwriting your firewall settings.

Click here to download this file
