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GENERAL DISCUSSION => Chit-Chat (Gossips) => Topic started by: emezico on Sep 18, 2013, 06:57 PM

Title: 5 Healthy Practices For The Office
Post by: emezico on Sep 18, 2013, 06:57 PM
For those of us who spend our days in an office, it can be challenging to keep up healthy habits! Even if you know all of the things that you should be doing to stay in good shape, an office environment might make it difficult to achieve your health goals. However, these 5 tips will allow you to avoid the bad habits encouraged by the static environment of an office.

1. Bring Healthy Food
If you're trying to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, you have to come prepared! When you're stuck eating whatever you can get quickly around the office, you probably won't even have the option of fresh fruits and veggies.

One great option is to bring a personal blender with you to the office. Pack it full of your favorite fruits and veggies before you leave your house in the morning so that it's ready to go when you need a hearty snack. Since you need at least 5 substantial servings of fruits and veggies every day, a big smoothie is a great way to easily get
2 or 3 of those servings.

2. Don't Tempt Yourself
On the same note, devise a plan for your snacks. First, bring healthy snacks like whole fruits, nuts, or yogurt. If you have an insatiable sweet tooth, healthy options like whole fruits are particularly important. In order to stop yourself from snacking just because you're bored, position these snacks out of sight. If you can't see them, you'll be less tempted to snack throughout the day.

3. Stay Hydrated
You've undoubtedly heard it before: you need lots of water to make it through the day. If your energy levels start to drag in the afternoon, it is likely an issue of being dehydrated.

Sometimes you may feel hungry and have the urge to snack when in fact your body just needs more water. Interestingly, it's often hard for us to tell the difference between hunger and thirst.

In order to avoid these annoying symptoms, keep a full water bottle with you at all times. Develop a habit of carrying it with you so that you drink constantly. Even if it makes you go to the bathroom more often, look at it as a bonus – you have a valid excuse to get up and stretch more regularly!

4. Take Walking Breaks
Don't just sit at your desk all day long without ever getting up. Set an alarm that regularly reminds you to take a 5-minute walking break. Your body needs that change of pace in order to maintain a good energy throughout the day. Keep comfortable walking shoes by your desk so that you don't have to worry about taking walks in your nice office shoes.

If you can manage to walk outside for a few minutes, you'll also gain the benefit of getting more Vitamin D in your system.

5. Take the Stairs
The easiest way to sneak in a little bit of exercise at the office is to simply take the stairs. Even if you just walk up a few flights, you can burn 10 or 20 calories. That may not sound like much, but it adds up quickly if you take the stairs every day!

What are your tricks for staying healthy at the office? Share your feedback in the comments below;

Source: Dailyhealthpost