How To Believe In Your Dreams In 3 Steps

Started by dia2dream, Feb 18, 2010, 11:25 AM


by Stephen Martile

Belief is a powerful word — the state of knowing and feeling certain that something special is coming your way. Through my own personal experience I've found that creating that state of certainty — believing in your dreams — has 3 steps.

Here are 3 steps to believe in your dreams:

Step #1. Be Hungry For Your Dreams

Recently I was watching Steve Jobs present his commencement speech to the Standford College graduates. Steve is one of the co-founders of Apple computers.  Although, Jobs is not a college graduate himself he had an important message to help anyone create belief in their dreams.
Steve said that many people try to connect the dots looking forward so that they can see what their life will look like in the future.  He said that's the wrong approach because connecting the dots only happens when you're looking backward.  It's only after something happens in your life that you realize how it got you to where you are.

He gives the example of when he got fired from Apple.  He spent 10 years of his life building this multi-billion dollar company.  And when he got fired at the age of 30 it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to him — because a few months later he met his wife.
Jobs says that he can't connect the dots moving forward.  You can only have faith and believe in your dreams.  Jobs says that the only thing that kept him going all those years when he faced adversity was the fact that he absolutely loved what he was doing.  The lesson?

Do what you love and love what you do.  To believe in your dreams, make sure to find what you absolutely love to do and the go out and do it.

#2. Always Think On Paper

I was at a seminar in Universal City last year and saw some amazing speakers and presenters.  One of them was the rich dad from Robert Kiyosaki's popular book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad.  He said something that I'll never forget,

Always think on paper.

~ Keith Cunningham

That means taking a pen/pencil and writing out what you want.  Then taking that initial draft and rewriting and refining it until it feels right to you.  Creating a state of certainty starts when you know what you want.

Have you ever been to a restaurant when the server suddenly came by to take your order?  And because you were unsure of what you wanted, you fumbled a bit?

It's exactly the same with your dreams.  If you're unsure of what you want, you start to fumble and doubt yourself — and that doubt is a dream killer.

But when you know exactly what you want, you create a state of absolute certainty — a belief
that cuts through any doubt.

You've got to know what you want — and what better way to be sure than by writing it out.

#3. Keep the Fire Burning

If you take a fire that has been burning for a few hours, after a while all you will have are hot coals.  But if you create a little movement and add some wood, the coals catch fire again.  That little movement is all that's needed to spark the fire.

It's the same with your dreams.  A small movement or a tiny action is all you need to keep your fire burning.

Take a small action every day — just something small on a daily basis to keep that fire alive — to keep that fire burning.

By doing this consistently you'll start to realize your dreams, one step at a time.  And as those stepping stones reveal more steps, you'll start to create a powerful belief in your dreams.
That's a good start, but there are other ways to create a strong belief.  What else have you done to create a compelling belief for your dreams?

Dare2dream........It's Possible