For love's sake,Should I forgive him? (For Girls)

Started by sofamous70, Oct 07, 2011, 02:56 PM


Ever been mad at a guy for something they did? Well here's how to tell if you should forgive them or not.

1. Think about how bad the situation is. Was it a harmless joke or something that embarrassed you in front of the whole world?

2. Do many people know about it?

3. Did he two time you? If he did, think carefully,ask yourself would he ever do it again?, most men will two time a hot beautiful lady, if he does, hes not worth it, he doesn't care about your feelings and emotions.

4. Likewise, have you two shared any happiness together? When both of you were down at the same time, did you both make each other feel good about yourselves?

5. Does he keep saying sorry? Chances are he does. If he doesn't, that just goes to show he doesn't really care whether he has you or not. He just wants you as an "extra" in his life.

6. Think, has he been nice to me all along? Did I like him at one point where I thought He was a true friend? Has he ever said nice things to me to make me happy when im down? Has he told me im beautiful instead of being "fit" or "hot".

7. If it's something small, just forgive them, life is too short to dwell on the tiny details in life It's just something minute. An apology is not needed, but it would be nice.



Forgiveness, a virtue needed in a relationship! :)


hmm i agree with you...,but come to think of it.there are some bad acts in relationship that are hard to forgive....:)
