UwAmp File Server Software

Started by alfsbob, Feb 04, 2012, 10:25 PM


File Name: UwAmp  File Server Software
File Submitted: Feb 04, 2012, 10:25 PM

UwAmp is a Wamp Server with Apache MySQL PHP and SQLite, and it comes with an very smart interface that offers various information, configuration and commands for the server. It can handle multiple php versions and monitor cpu usage. Also it is able to run in U3 mode.

It can manage Apache Virtual host and Alias. You can enable/disable PHP extension and Apache module from UwAmp manager. It also comes with a set of built-in tools to ease the server administration.

To start the server just run the executable UwAmp.exe and click on the start button to start Apache and MySQL. Note that the default configuration is set to auto-start the servers.

Click here to download this file