Dropf FTP Software

Started by alfsbob, Apr 01, 2012, 08:22 PM


File Name: Dropf FTP Software
File Submitted: Apr 01, 2012, 08:22 PM

Dropf is a desktop tool that allows users to quickly upload their files on FTP servers with simple drag and drop actions. It lies unobtrusively in the system tray and can be placed anywhere on the desktop with control over capacity, size and theme.

Share your files fast and easily through your own ftp account with easy to use interface like dropbox. Folder or multiple file upload. Multiple files zipped into one file automatically.

Users can manage multiple FTP servers being able to add all necessary log-in details including name, host, HTTP url, port, mode (active and passive), user name, password, root and upload folders.

Click here to download this file
