South Africa: 2011 ATKV Scholarships for Undergraduate & Post-graduate Studies

Started by sparrow, Nov 20, 2010, 03:01 AM


The ATKV, in collaboration with the dawn Trust (DST) this year again offering scholarships and loans to students that certain African-based studies at institutions in South Africa to undertake. Hierdie inisiatief stel die ATKV in staat om beurstoekennings te verhoog na 17 wat 'n groot verskil vir  kwalifiserende kandidate beteken. This initiative represents the ATKV able to grant awards to be increased to 17 which is a big difference for qualifying candidates means. Die ATKV stel R600 000 vir die 2011-studiejaar beskikbaar vir hierdie doel. The ATKV up R600 000 for the 2011 academic year are available for this purpose.

Die ATKV se Platinum-beurs ter waarde van R100 000 word jaarliks toegeken aan 'n meesters- of doktorsgraadstudent aan 'n Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit. The ATKV Platinum award valued at R100 000 is awarded annually to a Masters or doktorsgraadstudent a South African university. Vanjaar se toekenning sal gedoen word aan ʼn kandidaat wat navorsing doen oor Afrikaans in die regte. This year's award will be made to a candidate doing research on Dutch in the courts. Die beurs kan aangewend word vir beide die navorsingskomponent asook vir die bewusmaking van hierdie saak in die openbare media en ander inligtingskanale. The scholarship can be used for both the research component as well as the awareness of this issue in the public media and other information channels.

Die jaarlikse nagraadse merietebeurs word verhoog na R30 000 en het ten doel om 'n verdienstelike student in staat te stel om 'n honneurs- of meestersgraad in sy/haar spesifieke studierigting te verwerf. The annual postgraduate merit scholarship will be increased to R30 000 and is aimed at a deserving student to prepare an honors or masters in their particular field of study to acquire.

Die ATKV bied ook vyf voorgraadse studiebeurse van R60 000 elk aan vir studente wat in 'n Afrikaanse studierigting (verkieslik in die onderwys of die media) wil studeer. The ATKV offers five undergraduate scholarships of R60 000 each for students in an African study (preferably in education or the media) want to study. Die studie moet in Afrikaans aan 'n universiteit in Suid-Afrika geskied en die beursgeld word oor 'n periode van drie jaar toegeken met jaarlikse uitbetalings van R20 000 per beurs. The study is in Dutch at a university in South Africa and the scholarship money over a period of three years awarded by annual payments of R20 000 per scholarship.

Die ATKV se studielenings vir ATKV-lede self en hulle kinders is steeds beskikbaar en word vanaf 2011 verhoog na R15 000 per jaar. The ATKV study loans for ATKV members themselves and their children are still available and from 2011 will increase to R15 000 per annum. Die studielening is ná afstudering terugbetaalbaar teen 'n baie mededingende rentekoers. The student loan after graduation is repayable at a very competitive interest rate. Die uitslae van afgestudeerde studente word volgens meriete beoordeel en 'n maksimum van 10 studente se lenings word dan met R20 000 elk op grond van goeie prestasie kwytgeskeld. The results of graduates according to merit and a maximum of 10 student loans are then R20 000 each on the basis of good performance waived.

Verdere inligting asook die aansoekvorms en keuringsvereistes vir bogenoemde beurse en lenings is verkrygbaar by Helene Vos by die ATKV by 011 919 9020 of klik hier . Further information and application forms and selection criteria for these scholarships and loans are available from Helen Fox at the ATKV at 011 919 9020 or click here .

Die sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke om beurse is 30 November 2010 en suksesvolle kandidate sal teen 14 Januarie 2011 in kennis gestel word. The closing date for applications for bursaries is 30 November 2010 and successful candidates will be by 14 January 2011 notified. Kwytskelding van lenings sal gedurende Februarie 2011 oorweeg word nadat al die uitslae beskikbaar is. Waiver of loans during February 2011 after considering all the results are available.

South Africa: 2011 ATKV Bursary for Undergraduate & Post-graduate Studies