Food for thought - 10 Mistakes Ladies Make

Started by emezico, Jul 25, 2012, 12:36 PM


Below are summaries of mistakes some ladies make before, after or in relationships:

1. Believing a Guy will change for you.

2. insisting 0n a Guy who clearly doesn't give a crap about you.

3. Playing hard to get for entirely too long, till you're way past your sell by a date.

4. Falling for a bad Guy and putting the good guys in the "FRIENDS Z0NE".

5. Thinking every Guy is like your EX.

6. Shaving 0ff your EYEBR0WS Completely just to draw them back on.

7. Blaming the entire male population for one bad experience.

8. Bringing other Girls down because of your own insecurities.

9. Allowing the same Guy to hurt you over and over, you're taken him back for another time. It's you who has a problem not Him.

10. Ignoring this update and perfecting the same mistakes.