InfoStride News delivers the latest breaking news, Nigeria news, world news and top stories on business, celebrity, entertainment, politics, sports, technology and more. Experience the best of in-depth coverage, special reports, football highlights, political opinions, crime watch, celebrity gossips etc.
The idea was conceived on 17th August 2009 as an online platform to provide viable information to people across different facets of life. It all started as InfoStrides Forum from inception and later changed to The InfoStrides on 11th April 2010. The InfoStride brand name was coined on the 5th of July 2014. The business was registered as “The InfoStrides” in Finland between 2010 and 2015 before its core operational base was moved to Nigeria. A new brand name “InfoStride News” came into existence on the 1st of May 2021 to reflect the main objective of our offerings which is primarily news content. Our domain ( remains unchanged.
InfoStride News is a platform for information sharing and knowledge exchange. It has a news portal and open community where users can explore, share new information and post further requests if any. We encourage freedom of information sharing, retrieval and keeps you informed ahead of others with free and complete information.
We are always open to collaboration and partnership for mutual benefits. Get in touch to know more about us and how we can collaborate together through our Contact page.
Thank you.
The InfoStride News Team.