Popular Hollywood actress and director, Angelina Jolie has come out to allege that the judge who oversaw her child custody case was biased. She recently revealed that he clearly favored her ex-husband, Brad Pitt in the case, and fans have been reacting.
According to her, she is now using her experience to push legislation to check corrupt officers of the court because such corruption should not be allowed to continue.
Jolie added that her entire family is a victim of system failure, so she will keep fighting for justice.
A source close to her said, “This is personal to her, and for good reason.
Look at what she faced from a biased judge who was removed by the appellate court for his corrupt and secretive financial dealings with Brad Pitt’s team that violated judicial ethics in her family’s case, and who refused to review evidence of domestic abuse.
It’s no surprise she has taken on this specific issue. Their whole family is a victim of system failure. She has been fighting privately for her family and publicly for other families for years.”
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